Blue Sound Creative Marketing Agency in Boca Raton, Florida

Our Process

We use a unique 5-step evaluation system to assess our clients’ business opportunities.

Our Process

Blue Sound Creative has helped clients with marketing consulting, systems and processes, websites, online school systems, support systems, accounting systems, web development, eCommerce,  and managing social marketing systems for different industries.

We work with the most amazing partners by using a 5 step evaluation process:
Vision, Discovery, Strategy, System, Solutions.

Blue Sound Creative provides business processes, systems, marketing consulting, websites, online school systems, support systems, accounting systems, eCommerce, and managing social marketing systems for clients around the globe in many industries.

We use a 5-step process method to find and discover the best way we can help and develop the best relationships with our partners to grow and scale their businesses:

  • Vision
  • Discovery
  • Strategy
  • Systems
  • Solutions

1. Vision

In this stage, we Identify the company’s objectives. It can be a current business initiative, a project based on the company’s mission and vision statement, or goals for growth. Business processes for scaling the company, marketing processes to expand a marketing team, or something simple like redesigning a website or getting more leads and sales from digital marketing.

2. Discovery

Project Discovery is a set of research and strategies for finding, describing, and understanding the best way to accomplish goals. The Discovery Phase is where we deep dive with you to understand your needs, what’s working, what you would like to improve, frustration points, and obstacles within your business. From there, we will conduct audits and reviews to determine the best strategy and systems action plan to help with your goals.

3. Strategy

After realizing the vision and discovering the opportunities, then we move to develop your strategy and action plan. We’ll find processes, automation, and workflow options at this stage to suit your needs and to also increase productivity in your business’s operating systems. For certain goals, implementing automated business processes, streamlining standard operating procedures, social media marketing, and SEO services will be included in your strategic action plan. Other examples may include implementing an entire business operating system with processes, procedures, and business systems which include marketing consulting options to grow the business.

4. Systems

Once we have determined an outline for your strategic action plan, we’ll then go into a deeper dive into what systems will grow and scale your business within the scope of your mission and vision. Individual systems are created within an organization that makes up the complete ‘business operating system’ of an organization. Some of these systems include help desk ticket system, online course system, CRM for lead management, idea management, project management system, and frameworks.

5. Solutions

Lastly, we’ll pull together the final solutions for your strategic action plan and walk you through each step. From there we collaborate together towards a final strategic action plan that identifies your goals, outlines and audits the challenges and opportunities, and presents strategic action recommendations and systems to help you grow and scale your business.

Why use our services?

Our team has helped people around the globe. We have worked with all sizes of organizations from corporate accounts, non-profit, and small teams, to solo entrepreneurs with both big and small budgets. We believe that hard work pays off and that your organization deserves the best systems and solutions to achieve your goals and solve your opportunities.


What are the five stages of our process?

  • Vision
  • Discovery
  • Strategy
  • Systems
  • Solutions

What are business processes?

Business processes must be controlled according to a precise pattern of decision-making known as a process strategy in order to achieve your competitive goals. It is the application of an organization’s resources to produce something of value, which is referred to as a process. The system provides solutions to challenges that a person may encounter.

What is the process of discovery?

We’ll find systems, processes, automation, and workflow options at this stage to suit your needs while also increasing productivity in your business’s operating systems. While establishing a system process strategy, two main factors are product specifications and client needs. We have a hard-working team who work on a project with all their efforts to achieve the goal.

Business Processes

A business process is an activity or combination of operations that helps a company achieve a specified goal. Business processes should have clear objectives, be as detailed as feasible, and provide predictable results. When a group of individuals works together to accomplish an objective, they use a business process.


We offer systems solutions to help grow and scale your business. From your entire business operating system, CRM lead system, help desk ticketing system to project management and change management frameworks.

Marketing Services

We utilize multiple channels and tool sets to drive qualified traffic that translates into profits. From SEO, Content Creation, Facebook and Instagram Advertising, Business Listings, Logo & Branding to Website Development, Hosting & Maintenance.

Productivity Apps

We use a simplified version of the agile project management framework with Trello, ClickUp, Jira, Asana, Monday, Basecamp and many other project management software solutions. We can also adapt to what you have already in place.